The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-13 (9 days) Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

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2022-10-13 Precepts - Internalizing and highlighting values 35:57
Ajahn Sucitto
A review of the retreat’s theme. An opportunity to bring ethical concepts, precepts, and concerns to the forefront and to understand and appreciate their heart feelings.
2022-10-14 Guided Standing and Sitting 38:28
Ajahn Sucitto
2022-10-14 On Food Offering 7:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Meal time is an opportunity for mindfulness around making choices and appreciating the act of generosity involved. Physical aspects of offering and receiving.
2022-10-14 Reflections on the Heart and Silent Meditation 17:06
Ajahn Sucitto
We use the body to help the heart open from withdrawn states. What is felt, what is sensed? Linger in that territory and keep noticing.
2022-10-14 Settling in-Find Balance and Contentment 50:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Adjusting to the external space, getting comfortable in yourself, find the place internally where you can be okay with what's happening externally and internally. Focus on this and make much of it, experiencing the body's energy flows.
2022-10-14 Understanding Recollection of Buddha Dhamma Sangha 19:33
Ajahn Sucitto
Chanting is painting an image with sound. What do we mean by Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha? Why are they important? Using the traditional forms wisely.
2022-10-14 GM - Walking and Movement 3:45
Ajahn Sucitto
Noticing the key qualities and dynamics.
2022-10-15 The Illusory Nature of Objective Reality 59:54
Ajahn Sucitto
Our interpretation of experience is illusory and subjective. What we sense becomes fixed objects, even the human ones. Awareness allows penetration of the sense of me and offers a gift to the world.
2022-10-15 Arrows and Circles - Shaping Intention 29:52
Ajahn Sucitto
The mind’s energies and activations may contradict each other but what unifies them is the body's energy, its life force and understanding them is key to meditation and the development of mindfulness.
2022-10-15 GM - Walking Instructions 5:22
Ajahn Sucitto
Notice the detail of what happens when you move. Get into the quality of the cohesiveness, the synchronicity of the form.
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